GRESB, the global ESG benchmark for real assets, endorses the latest advance of the guidance for green, social and sustainability bonds recently released by the ICMA Executive Committee of the Green Bond Principles.
One of the highlights in the latest evolution of the Green Bond Principles is the addition of green buildings as a specific category of eligibility. This inclusion will increase capital allocation through the green bond market towards projects in the building sector that deliver positive environmental impacts.
GRESB developed the GRESB Green Bond Guidelines for the Real Estate Sector to support green bond market growth. The Guidelines provide clear sector-specific guidance on how to identify eligible green building projects, implement and manage investment proceeds, and communicate green bond outcomes to stakeholders.
GRESB is committed to supporting ICMA and the evolving green bond market by actively participating in ICMA working groups, updating the GRESB Green Bond Guidelines for the Real Estate Sector and engaging with property companies and other stakeholders.