De Volksbank published it’s Green Bond Framework

De Volksbank wants to make a relevant and positive contribution to society by focusing on financial resilience and sustainability. By issuing Green Bonds, de Volksbank wants to add another element to its value chain. Therefore de Volksbank published a Green Bond Framework document. De Volksbank has mandated ABN Amro, ING and SEB to arrange a series of non-deal related investor meetings in Europe to present its green bond framework. ABN Amro and ING are also green bond structuring advisors

The ICMA Green Bond Principles (GBP) are a set of voluntary guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the green bond market by clarifying the approach for issuing a green bond. De Volksbank’s Green Bond Framework follows the GBP 2018 which provides guidelines in the following key areas:

  • Use of Proceeds
  • Process for Project Evaluation and Selection
  • Management of Proceeds
  • Reporting
  • External review

This framework will be applied to any green bond issued by de Volksbank and may, from time to time, be updated for future issues.

Download the framework (pdf)

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