At the The European Business and Nature Summit (EBNS) event (7&8 november 2019) in Madrid, it was clear that financial institutions are getting ready to tackle biodiversity loss and act to restore nature with their investment. They are starting to set targets and report publicly on their biodiversity loss and gain. This enables them to make informed lending and investment decisions.
European financial frontrunners are developing methodologies to measure their impacts at a portfolio level. There is growing interest to develop clear science-based targets, which could span species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity.
During the EU Business and Nature Summit the finance frontrunners decided to further collaborate on a joint commitment for a leading European financial sector in 2020 to feed into the CBD COP15 with ambitious joint biodiversity targets. This development and initiative will continue in 2020 – 2022. New members are welcome to join.
Videos, presentations and outcomes from the sessions that explored targets, commitment, measurement and positive impact during the EBNS can be found here:
Videos, presentations and outcomes from the sessions that explored targets, commitment, measurement and positive impact during the EBNS can be found here:
- GS3 Positive impact and footprinting biodiversity: video and the slides for the presentations of Anne-Marie Bor and Anita de Horde from the EU B@B Platform, Roel Nozeman from ASN Bank, Wijnand Broer from CREM and Sophie Ménard from CDC Biodiversité.
- GS5 Targets and disclosure: video and the slides for the presentations of Anne-Marie Bor and Anita de Horde from the EU B@B Platform, Joshua Berger from CDC Biodiversité, Sandra Castañeda from Triodos Bank Spain, Katia Karousakis from OECD, Nicholas Macfarlane from IUCN, Katie Leach from UNEP-WCMC, Anna Krotova from Global Reporting Initiative, Sharon Machado from ACCA and Jaqueline Jackson from Trucost-S&P.