Cityzenith CEO Michael Jansen has launched a global ‘Clean Cities – Clean Future’ campaign to help our most polluted urban centres become carbon neutral, by donating the company’s Digital Twin platform SmartWorldPro2 to key cities, one at a time.
We have a goal to support 100 cities with our pledge, we will announce the first City in November 2020. When we achieve that goal, we will provide our software solution to those 100+ cities for free perpetually.
Cities produce more than 70%* of the earth’s greenhouse gases, but Jansen says use of cutting-edge data and AI will change this dramatically
“Since our inception we have been using these tools to deliver custom climate resilience applications to greenfield cities, real estate developments, and infrastructure projects.
“We know the issues and now have the right data aggregation, analysis, and visualization capabilities to help solve them for cities, and those who design, build, and manage them.
“Launching this ‘Clean Cities – Clean Future’ initiative marks a milestone for us and shareable, networked, city-scale Digital Twin deployments. Digital Twins were first developed to aggregate, analyze, and visualize vastly complex information in manufacturing plants and building construction sites but have evolved into a powerful aid to urban climate resilience and lowering carbon emissions.
“Our focus has expanded to include large-scale commercial projects in cities as in the Orlando Sports + Entertainment District and greenfield ‘smart cities’ like Amaravati in India.
“In Amaravati, by consolidating myriads of climate related data points, the goal was to show how architects could use advanced AI integrations in our Digital Twin platform SmartWorldPro2 to simulate and design housing schemes to lower carbon emissions and cut average street temperatures dramatically in high summer.
“Today we are helping partners all over the world leverage Digital Twin power across their district, infrastructure, campus and real estate projects to transition from fossil fuel dependency to carbon neutrality.
“But no one seems to be helping cities to implement this technology, and that’s why we decided to step in and make our pledge
As part of the campaign pledge people can register interest on behalf of the cities where they live. We are also talking to organizations keen to solve this problem, such as the Global Compact of Mayors, the District 2030 program, and consulting firms dedicated to providing energy transition services to cities.
Cityzenith will provide a Digital Twin model of all or most of the city, integrated with relevant data sources ranging from public data portals, IoT sensors, GIS layers, and others. This will enable the Cities to track, monitor and analyze all data helping drive carbon neutrality within the built environment.
Cities will not pay the company for any application development related to strengthening climate resilience, reducing carbon consumption, or other sustainability functions.
City leaders are saying they would like to develop on top of this platform, using internal resources and local university institutions that support them. Within one or two years, we will have gleaned the best climate resilience practices from multiple cities, combining them into reusable applications for downloading by any urban area, to accelerate their progress towards carbon neutrality.
Cityzenith will start with one, and then donate to up to 10 cities initially. We think it is important to establish consensus among a few cities first. We are talking to five cities and expect to announce the first city sometime in November. Interested cities should write to the company at info@cityzenith.com