The CrowdFundRES Consortium is happy to announce the workshop “Crowdfunding for PV projects” to be held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on Monday 25th September 2017, on the occasion of the EU PVSEC, the European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition.
The project CrowdFundRES recognises the vast potential of crowdfunding for financing renewable energy projects and brings together the three following target groups: renewable energy project developers, citizen investing their savings in renewable energy projects and crowdfunding platforms acting as intermediaries between the public and the project developers.
This workshop will provide participants with ideas and examples of successful PV projects financed via crowdfunding, as well as with an overview on the challenges and potential measures to overcome them. CrowdFundRES is a project funded by the European Unions’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Detailed information about the project is available here.