De overheid stelt een aantal financiële regelingen en subsidies beschikbaar, zodat het verduurzamen van de woning voor particulieren betaalbaar wordt. Met deze regelingen en subsidies wil de overheid de doelstellingen van het Klimaatakkoord realiseren. In 2030 moet iedereen van het gas af […]
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Building on its commitment to drive positive change through its data and insight, Refinitiv has yesterday announced the launch of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance (The Alliance) in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, United Nations, IIF, OMFIF, Tsinghua […]
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PwC Switzerland and WWF Switzerland find in their new report “Nature is too big to fail – Biodiversity: the next frontier in financial risk management”, that the financial risks associated with the loss of biodiversity will become increasingly important in […]
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MeDirect, de online bank voor sparen en beleggen, pakt vandaag uit met het nieuwe beleggingsplan ‘Duurzaam MeGreen’. Bijna zeven op de tien klanten van MeDirect geven aan dat ze duurzaamheid een meerwaarde vinden bij hun keuze voor een beleggingsproduct. Een […]
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Thunderbird School of Global Management released a new report today projecting that the world can realize at least $1trillion – $3trillion dollars in market opportunities and $3trillion – $5trillion dollars in broader economic, social and environmental benefits per year by 2030. Thunderbird’s […]
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The second edition of the State of Impact Measurement and Management Practice reflects the increased sophistication and maturation of impact measurement and management (IMM) practices since the release of the survey’s first edition in 2017. The GIIN’s second global survey of the […]
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MSCI, a leading provider of mission critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community, is calling for all investors globally to more readily integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations throughout their investment processes if they are […]
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De instroom van nieuw vermogen in duurzame Amerikaanse beleggingsfondsen heeft in 2019 alle records gebroken. Ten opzichte van het jaar ervoor is deze instroom verviervoudigd: een fikse groeispurt ten opzichte van het beeld dat we zien over de afgelopen jaren. […]
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ING maintains its A-list status in CDP’s annual list of the world’s businesses leading on environmental performance. This result shows ING’s continuous commitment on climate action leadership, being recognised by CDP as an A-list company for the fifth year in […]
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Pymwymic is proud to announce investing in family-run RootWave, a pioneer in developing and marketing electrical weed control solutions that offer a scalable and sustainable alternative to chemical herbicides. Pymwymic (‘Put Your Money Where Your Meaning is Community’) has participated […]
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De Europese Commissie presenteert plannen voor de financiering van de Europese Green Deal. GroenLinks ziet echter dat het duurzame investeringsplan nog niet voldoende is om voor een echte doorbraak te zorgen. Het beloofde geld komt grotendeels uit al bestaande plannen voor de […]
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Investment in renewable energy capacity worldwide was $282.2 billion last year, up 1% from 2018’s $280.2 billion, with the world’s biggest market (China) slipping back, but its second-largest (the U.S.) hitting a new record. The latest data from research company […]
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