The PRI has launched A practical guide to ESG integration for equity investing. To guide investors – both asset owners and investment managers – who are implementing ESG integration techniques in their investment process, this report is the most comprehensive description […]
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AMSTERDEN Scale-Up! vindt plaats op woensdag 28 september a.s. tijdens de Amsterdam Capital Week. Bij dit ontbijt in Dragons’ Den-stijl presenteren tien voorgeselecteerde scale-ups samen met hun huidige financiers zich aan zo’n 50 venture capitalists en filantropen, private impact investeerders, […]
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Jeroen Jansen is per 1 september 2016 teruggetreden als directeur van de ASN Bank. Hij is benoemd tot directeur Duurzaamheid/Identiteit binnen SNS Bank N.V. Jeroen Jansen was de afgelopen 16 jaar werkzaam bij de ASN Bank. Sinds 2005 was hij binnen […]
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Global Opportunities Fund van NN Investment Partners wordt per 1 oktober omgevormd tot het Global Sustainable Opportunities Fund. Het fonds zal dan ook veranderen in een fonds dat zicht richt op impact investing en zal beleggen in beursgenoteerde bedrijven die een positieve […]
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A spate of recent launches has given sustainable investors a greater range of diversified choices within the U.S. ETP universe. As interest in sustainable investing has increased, U.S. exchange-traded products have moved to offer more diversified options. For years, the vast […]
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PGGM gaat samenwerken met advies- en softwarebedrijf Sinzer om beter inzicht te krijgen in de maatschappelijke impact van beleggingen. Bij impactbeleggen kijken beleggers behalve naar het financiële rendement ook naar de positieve impact op maatschappij en milieu. Steeds meer grote pensioenfondsen […]
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Philanthropy remains an important activity for family owned companies across the globe. A new report finds that on average 3.1% of respondents’ wealth is invested in some form of philanthropic activity, with an average of 61% providing that capital to […]
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It could be time for investors to give the green light to green bonds. Kate Brett and Christina Teague (Mercer) report. The green bond market has developed from its nascent form into an area that large-scale investors are pursuing more actively. […]
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Social Impact Ventures (Social IV) kondigt vandaag haar ‘final closing’ aan. Na investeringen van ASN Venture Capital Fonds N.V. (onderdeel van de ASN Beleggingsfondsen van de ASN Bank) en ASR Nederland N.V. (‘a.s.r.’) van respectievelijk € 3 miljoen en € […]
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Green Bonds raise funds for new and existing projects with environmental benefits. They are similar to mainstream bonds with the difference residing essentially in a defined use of proceeds for specific green projects. From a credit perspective, Green Bonds are […]
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As this year’s host for G20 summit, China has included “green finance” as a discussion topic at the summit. Ma Jun is the chairman of Green Finance Committee and has led China’s task force on green finance since 2014. CCTV’s Hou […]
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The new report ‘It’s not just about the financials – The widening variety of factors used in investment decision making’ from PwC includes a series of candid interviews with investment professionals. They talk in some depth about how they use environmental, […]
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