Schaeffler places 350 million euro green bonds

Global automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler has placed its first green bond, raising a total of approximately 350 million euros in the current difficult market environment. 300 million euros of the proceeds of the green bond will be used exclusively […] lees meer

1ST Annual European Impact Investing Survey 2020 launched

EBAN (The European Business Angels Network), through the EBAN Impact Investing Committee, is now inviting Investors to participate in the 1st Annual European Impact Investing Survey 2020 #EIIS2020. The report generated by this survey will provide critical insights to European impact investing […] lees meer

NN IP publiceert ‘Verantwoord Beleggen Rapport 2019’

NN Investment Partners (NN IP) heeft het ‘Verantwoord Beleggen Rapport 2019’ gepubliceerd. “De jaren 2020 worden een beslissend decennium omdat duurzaamheid zich zal ontwikkelen van een optioneel beleggingscriterium tot een standaard vereiste. In dit rapport leest u hoe wij ons […] lees meer

CBRE Global Investors signs green industrial loan

CBRE Global Investors has closed a sustainability-linked revolving credit facility (RCF) with ABN AMRO. The €45m plus €15m accordion facility is for the CBRE European Industrial Fund (EIF) and will be secured against a selection of EIF’s properties at an LTV […] lees meer