They’re designed to fund projects that have a positive environmental impact. But green bonds are being used as a mask for environmental destruction. We should fix this while we still have time, says Assaad Razzouk. These days, green bonds seem to […]
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The Global Research Alliance for Sustainable Finance and Investment (GRASFI), a new network of 18 global research universities established to promote rigorous and highly impactful academic research on sustainable finance and investment, becomes public today with the launch of its […]
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The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), in partnership with WWF, has launched a new report, Growing water risk resilience: An investor guide on agricultural supply chains, in response to the water-related risks that institutional investors are exposed to through their investee […]
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Triodos Investment Management is verheugd om de benoeming aan te kondigen van Kor Bosscher als Managing Director Risk & Finance per 1 maart 2018. Hij volgt daarmee Laura Pool op die Triodos Investment Management in oktober 2017 heeft verlaten om […]
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To achieve the Paris Agreement’s objective of limiting the rise of global mean temperature to +2°C compared to the preindustrial period, a shift in the allocation of private finance flows from carbon-intensive activities to investments compatible with a 2°C pathway […]
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Global Sustain Group conducted and released recently a new ESG/SRI & Impact Investments Market Report and Benchmark Analysis, entitled “ESG Investing. From Niche to Mainstream”. The report provides insights of the ESG market in Europe, in USA and globally, presenting […]
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Eurosif, the European Sustainable Investment Forum, and the national SIFs have launched last month the fourth version of the European SRI Transparency Code. The new Code reflects recent crucial developments in the SRI industry and is geared towards guiding asset managers […]
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With the fraying contract between society and business an urgent priority, many companies and banks are eager to find investments that generate business and social returns. One avenue is “impact investing,” directing capital to enterprises that generate social or environmental benefits—in […]
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The Sustainable Development Goals can sometimes be seen as those high-level objectives where the immediate value on the ground and in people’s lives is not immediately obvious. However, an innovative financial deal unveiled yesterday is showing how strong environmental and social targets […]
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Op 26 februari heeft ABP voor € 360 miljoen belegd in groene obligaties van de Belgische staat. Met de uitgifte wil België investeren in projecten die klimaatverandering tegengaan. België is het tweede West-Europese land dat groene obligaties uitgeeft na Frankrijk. […]
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Solarus, de Nederlandse ontwikkelaar en producent van hybride zonnecollectoren, en NIBC Bank (“NIBC”) hebben vandaag overeenstemming bereikt over een investering in het bedrijf. Daarmee completeert Solarus een financieringsronde van ruim 1 jaar en is het bedrijf goed toegerust voor de […]
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Tijdens de Impact Fair op 19 maart in Den Haag kunnen jonge snelgroeiende bedrijven (scaleups) potentiële investeerders ontmoeten. Phenix Capital, een adviesbureau op het terrein van ‘impact investment’, organiseert dit evenement in samenwerking met gemeente Den Haag. Impact Fair is […]
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