An analysis of data underlying Climetrics, the world’s first climate impact rating for funds developed jointly by CDP and ISS-Ethix Climate Solutions, finds just over 60% of funds and ETFs offered by asset management firms based in Sweden receive either a 4 or a […]
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A growing body of data sheds new light on the promising financial performance of impact investments. A new report, GIIN Perspectives: Evidence on the Financial Performance of Impact Investments, published today by the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), provides investors […]
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Zonder nieuwe maatregelen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan, krimpt de wereldeconomie structureel met 5%. Dat percentage kan oplopen tot boven de 20%. Klimaatverandering zal daardoor in de komende jaren een steeds grotere impact hebben op de beleggingskeuzes van Nederlandse pensioenfondsen. […]
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Het Limburgs Energiefonds (LEF) heeft op 13 november 2017 30 miljoen euro ontvangen van de European Investment Bank (EIB). Hiermee gaat het fonds nog meer ontwikkelingen in energiebesparing, opwekking van duurzame energie, de circulaire economie en de sanering van asbest financieel […]
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From a traditional finance perspective, the purpose of financial markets is to efficiently allocate capital in order to create and ideally maximize shareholder value. This way, companies can obtain the necessary capital to grow and generate profits while investors receive […]
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Klimaatverandering heeft een steeds grotere impact op de continuïteit van ondernemingen. Om inzicht te krijgen in de risico’s die beleggers lopen als gevolg van klimaatverandering, heeft Deutsche Asset Management samen met het Amerikaanse klimaatadviesbureau Four Twenty Seven een baanbrekende scoringsmethode […]
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Meeting the 2-degree Celsius target set out in the Paris Climate Accord in 2015 will have a significant impact on investors and the sectors they invest in, according to a new report by the FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, a private non-commercial […]
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The field of sustainable and impact investing has shown tremendous growth over the last few years. But there are still too many asset owners sitting on the sidelines, interested in making an impact but not yet investing for it. To […]
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De Paauw / Rodepa en ING Corporate Investments hebben vandaag bekend gemaakt dat zij een langjarige samenwerking aangaan om de succesvolle groeistrategie van de onderneming te versnellen. ING Corporate Investments is toegetreden als minderheidsaandeelhouder bij De Paauw / Rodepa. De […]
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Barclays PLC has today successfully priced and issued a 0.625% Euros500m green bond. This is a first for the UK market, as it represents the first green bond issued by a UK bank, using UK assets. The transaction was well received, attracting a final order book of Euros1.85bn. Barclays will allocate […]
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Triodos Investment Management, PYMWYMIC and Finance in Motion published recently a new report: ‘Beyond Direct Deals – How fund investing adds to your impact portfolio.’ The report reflects on the journey of impact investors, many of whom initially could only […]
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Op 31 oktober kwamen zo’n 105 accountmanagers van de banken naar een Informatiedag over het financieren van het verduurzamen van vastgoed. Deze dag werd georganiseerd door RVO. Sprekers als Chris Buijink (voorzitter NVB), Ferdi Licher (directeur Bouwen en Energie MinBZK), […]
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