Barclays : UK First As Barclays Issues Euros500m Green Bond

Barclays PLC has today successfully priced and issued a 0.625% Euros500m green bond. This is a first for the UK market, as it represents the first green bond issued by a UK bank, using UK assets. The transaction was well received, attracting a final order book of Euros1.85bn. Barclays will allocate […] lees meer

How fund investing adds to your impact portfolio

Triodos Investment Management, PYMWYMIC and Finance in Motion published recently a new report: ‘Beyond Direct Deals – How fund investing adds to your impact portfolio.’ The report reflects on the journey of impact investors, many of whom initially could only […] lees meer

Zeer hoge GRESB-score voor vastgoedportefeuilles PGGM

De vastgoedportefeuilles die door PGGM worden beheerd, zijn weer langs de jaarlijkse GRESB-duurzaamheidsmeetlat gelegd. Het resultaat is een steeds duurzamere vastgoedportefeuille. PGGM stond in 2009 aan de wieg van de Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, afgekort GRESB. De ambitie was […] lees meer