De Rabobank heeft zich deze week aangesloten bij de Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), de grootste netwerkorganisatie in Nederland voor duurzaam bouwen. Daarmee zijn nu de drie grootste banken van Nederland verbonden in het najagen van de missie van DGBC: […]
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TruValue Labs announced the ESG Momentum score, the first ESG indicator that leverages artificial intelligence, big data and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB™) materiality framework. The score reveals the direction, or trend, of ESG performance based on daily data. ESG […]
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Earlier this year, we laid out the top 10 reasons Wealth Advisers and Managers are following investor demand to ESG. The next question: how do ESG, or environment, social, and governance investments, perform? When do these strategies work, and why? Here’s […]
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Via het Nederlands Investerings Agentschap (NIA) kan vanaf 31 juli voor projectfinanciering een beroep worden gedaan op de Energietransitie Financieringsfaciliteit (ETFF). Met de ETFF stimuleert het ministerie van Economische Zaken investeringen in ‘nog niet volwassen’ deelmarkten binnen de energietransitie zoals aardwarmte, energiebesparing, […]
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Most international and domestic public (and many private) companies are being evaluated and rated on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance by various third party providers of reports and ratings. Institutional investors, asset managers, financial institutions and other stakeholders […]
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Over the last decade, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has consistently been at the forefront of innovation and transparency in the development of the global green bonds market. Since launching the world’s first green bond in July 2007, EIB has […]
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The most frequently asked questions about sustainable investing still have to do with performance. In theory, when investors limit their investment universe for moral or ethical reasons, they risk underperformance because they are not selecting the most efficient set of […]
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JPMorgan Chase gradually and thoughtfully increased their commitment to sustainability for over a decade. When one of the world’s largest banks thinks about sustainability – it’s not just as an employer with a global real estate portfolio of 75 million […]
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NN Investment Partners (NN IP) behaalt de hoogst mogelijke A+ score voor Strategie & Governance op verantwoord beleggen en ESG integratie. Deze score is toegekend door de Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Hiermee boekt NN IP progressie ten opzichte van […]
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De vraag naar de Rabo Impactlening blijft onverminderd hoog. Daardoor krijgt de lening met rentekorting voor bedrijven met een positieve impact wederom een vervolg. De Rabobank heeft gelden van de Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) beschikbaar gekregen voor een derde tranche van […]
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In a continuing and growing commitment to helping investors integrate sustainability considerations into portfolio decisions, Morningstar, Inc. (NASDAQ: MORN), a leading provider of independent investment research, and Sustainalytics, a leading global provider of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) research and […]
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Vermogensbeheerder ACTIAM heeft haar jaarlijkse PRI-scores bekend gemaakt. In het onderzoek van de Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) behaalt ACTIAM dit jaar de hoogst haalbare score op maar liefst 11 van de 14 onderdelen. Ten opzichte van 2016 verbeterde ACTIAM haar score […]
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