NWB Bank financiert Climate Investor One

De NWB Bank heeft een 20-jarige financiering verstrekt aan het Construction Equity Fund van Climate Investor One (CIO). CIO is een nieuwe benadering om duurzame infrastructuur- en energieprojecten in opkomende landen te financieren en richt zich daarbij op zonneenergie, windenergie […] lees meer

Investing with ‘green’ ratings? It’s a gray area

Investors betting trillions on ethically-appealing stocks may not be getting all they expect. Buying into companies based on environmental, social and governance factors, has become a hot trend on Wall Street, spawning a new industry that sells investors company ratings based […] lees meer

LGT launches new sustainability rating

LGT has introduced a new sustainability rating. The rating, which comprises five different levels, assesses equities, bonds, funds and ETFs according to key environmental, social and governance criteria. It provides all of LGT’s private clients with valuable information about the […] lees meer