The High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, established by the Commission, has published its first report setting out concrete steps to create a financial system that supports sustainable investments. The Commission will explore some key early recommendations to take further […]
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Gemeente en provincie Utrecht stellen met behulp van de Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten (BNG Bank) 21 miljoen euro ter beschikking om bedrijven en organisaties te stimuleren over te stappen op duurzame energie. Het huidige Energiefonds Utrecht gaat zich hierbij richten op […]
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The world’s first climate impact rating for funds, Climetrics, launches today, enabling investors to more easily integrate climate impact into investment decisions. The rating – symbolized by green leaves “issued” on a scale of one to five– will enable investors […]
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ABN AMRO gaat samenwerken met Root Capital, een Amerikaanse impact investor in de agri-sector. Vanuit de samenwerking worden ‘impact’ leningen verstrekt aan kleine boerenbedrijven. ABN AMRO participeert sinds vorige maand in leningen aan koffie-coöperaties in Latijns-Amerika. Hiermee worden zo’n 4.000 […]
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Toniic Institute, the global action community for impact investors, today released T100: Insights from Impact Advisors and Consultants 2017, at the Berlin Green Investment Summit. This is the second report in the T100 Research Project, a longitudinal study of 100% […]
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The Financial Stability Board (FSB) welcomed the publication of the recommendations for effective disclosure of climate-related financial risks published today by the industry-led Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The Task Force, chaired by Michael R. Bloomberg, was established by […]
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De NWB Bank heeft een 20-jarige financiering verstrekt aan het Construction Equity Fund van Climate Investor One (CIO). CIO is een nieuwe benadering om duurzame infrastructuur- en energieprojecten in opkomende landen te financieren en richt zich daarbij op zonneenergie, windenergie […]
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Ninety-eight percent of institutional investors say a company with strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives makes for a more attractive investment, according to the newly released white paper, Is Your ESG Report Getting Noticed?, developed by Burson-Marsteller, a strategic […]
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Investors betting trillions on ethically-appealing stocks may not be getting all they expect. Buying into companies based on environmental, social and governance factors, has become a hot trend on Wall Street, spawning a new industry that sells investors company ratings based […]
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LGT has introduced a new sustainability rating. The rating, which comprises five different levels, assesses equities, bonds, funds and ETFs according to key environmental, social and governance criteria. It provides all of LGT’s private clients with valuable information about the […]
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YES BANK, India’s fourth largest private sector bank and FMO (the Development Bank of the Netherlands), along with DEG (the Development Bank of Germany) and Proparco (the Development Bank of France), organized an investment symposium on ‘The Opportunity of Green […]
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Five of the world’s six largest listed oil companies risk wasting more than 30% of possible spending on upstream projects that are high-cost and surplus to supply needs in a 2⁰C world, with Exxon Mobil most exposed, warns a new […]
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