Institutionele beleggers zijn zich in toenemende mate bewust van de positieve impact van ESG integratie en engagement op hun beleggingen. Actief optreden als bezitter van aandelen loont, ook voor beheerders van passieve beleggingsinstrumenten. Eindbeleggers zullen juist hen steeds kritischer volgen […]
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ESG investing — which accesses companies based in part on their environmental, social and governance policies — is a fast-growing segment of the financial landscape. Importantly, socially-responsible investing is not just a strategy to feel good about how your money […]
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Are ESG hedge funds a good bet? According to the ESG Fund Index the answer is yes. The market for environmentally and socially responsible investing has multiplied over the past years as investors and companies have recognized the importance of […]
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A growing number of institutional investors in Europe are embedding ESG analysis in their investment processes in response to regulatory pressure, consumer demand and a rising appetite for new sources of investment signals. There are also signs this focus on […]
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Major investment firms are snapping up environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings companies at a rapid clip — three hookups within just the past year. What do sustainability officers and financial officers need to know? Last month, investment research firm Morningstar […]
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One of the great challenges of impact investing is knowing how much impact reporting to require from the ventures you invest in, remembering that startups face plenty of challenges without layering on needless reporting. On the other hand, impact investors want […]
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De Rabobank heeft zich deze week aangesloten bij de Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC), de grootste netwerkorganisatie in Nederland voor duurzaam bouwen. Daarmee zijn nu de drie grootste banken van Nederland verbonden in het najagen van de missie van DGBC: […]
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TruValue Labs announced the ESG Momentum score, the first ESG indicator that leverages artificial intelligence, big data and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB™) materiality framework. The score reveals the direction, or trend, of ESG performance based on daily data. ESG […]
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Earlier this year, we laid out the top 10 reasons Wealth Advisers and Managers are following investor demand to ESG. The next question: how do ESG, or environment, social, and governance investments, perform? When do these strategies work, and why? Here’s […]
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Via het Nederlands Investerings Agentschap (NIA) kan vanaf 31 juli voor projectfinanciering een beroep worden gedaan op de Energietransitie Financieringsfaciliteit (ETFF). Met de ETFF stimuleert het ministerie van Economische Zaken investeringen in ‘nog niet volwassen’ deelmarkten binnen de energietransitie zoals aardwarmte, energiebesparing, […]
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Most international and domestic public (and many private) companies are being evaluated and rated on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance by various third party providers of reports and ratings. Institutional investors, asset managers, financial institutions and other stakeholders […]
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Over the last decade, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has consistently been at the forefront of innovation and transparency in the development of the global green bonds market. Since launching the world’s first green bond in July 2007, EIB has […]
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