Green bond market growing rapidly supported by official guidelines referencing the GBP Green Bond Principles embrace new categories of issuers and strengthen guidance on communication of environmental objectives Governance of the GBP broadened to admit Social and Sustainability Bond Market […]
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The Luxembourg Finance Labelling Agency (LuxFLAG) launches a new label for green bonds which will be granted, after a rigorous assessment, to eligible instruments that finance green projects. The independent and international labelling agency thereby extends its activities to wider […]
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ASADRA, a global marketplace for conscious fashion, today announced a partnership with Voyage, a venture catalyst firm, as the start-up seeks to raise further investment to fund its ‘go to market’ strategy. Aimed at customers who value products with purpose, […]
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Het Europees Fonds voor Strategische Investeringen (EFSI) is in 2014 opgezet voor het stimuleren van meer private investeringen in de EU, onder meer op terreinen van infrastructuur, energie en het midden- en kleinbedrijf. Voor het eerst sinds de oprichting van […]
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More precise language about ESG investing and a more thorough conversation about the purpose it plays in portfolios may be the key to bridging the “gulf” between how professional and individual investors view its role and impact, according to Natixis […]
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Bloomberg presents the best Sustainable Finance stories from this year in a special edition of Sustainable Finance – from green bond sales to the gender pay gap. Bloomberg gives infl uential decision makers a critical edge by delivering insight into local […]
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Om de belangstelling van beleggers te vergroten, zouden de vrijwillig te hanteren richtlijnen voor groene obligaties, zoals de Green Bond Principles, volgens NN Investment Partners (NN IP) ook kwantitatieve prestatie-indicatoren (KPI’s) moeten bevatten. Groene obligaties zijn obligaties waarvan de opbrengsten […]
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Today’s landscape of Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) funds is the result of more than thirty years of investment innovation. In the main, investors have tried to define and limit the ‘inputs’ into an investment process; first through ethical screens, […]
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The G7 yesterday (12 june) joined the G20, other countries and markets in throwing its weight behind a growing movement to turn the power of the global financial system to sustainable development. In a communique released at the end of […]
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An improving world economy boosted public pension fund, sovereign fund and central bank assets to $33.5tn at end-2016, according to Global Public Investor (GPI) published by OMFIF, the London- and Singapore-based think tank. The ranking table of 750 public institutions […]
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TenneT Holding B.V. (rated A3/A-) today successfully launched and priced another Green Bond issue under its green bond program of EUR 1 billion, a dual tranche of each EUR 500 million with a maturity of 8 year (coupon of 0.75%) […]
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Aegon Asset Management’s 2016 Responsible Investment Report outlines its commitment to embedding Environment, Sustainability and Governance in its decision making, and highlights how it is addressing key sustainability issues globally. The scale of the looming problem of climate change is […]
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