Greening finance & Financing Green

How to connect the worlds of finance and biodiversity for the good of nature and people? This was the theme around which the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs organized two sessions in Cancun, named Greening finance & Financing Green. After the […] lees meer

Pensioenfonds niet duurzaam genoeg

Bedrijven ondernemen steeds duurzamer. Het zijn bedrijfspensioenfondsen die nog altijd voor de korte termijn kiezen. Dat schrijft Bob Eccles in een column voor Forbes. (Amerikaanse) bedrijven zijn in belangrijke mate overgestapt op een beleid waarbij ze rekening houden met de […] lees meer

Debunking 4 Myths About Sustainable Investing

Enthusiasm for sustainable investing is surging. Already, more than $8.7 trillion of investment capital is managed using environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in U.S. markets alone, according to the U.S. SIF Foundation. That’s a 184 percent increase since 2010. […] lees meer

Sustainalytics pulls out of Singapore

Sustainalytics struggled with soft market conditions in Singapore, and has turned its focus to regional operations in Australia and Japan. The global consultancy that helped the Singapore stock exchange launch its first ever sustainability index has closed its Singapore office.  Amsterdam-headquartered Sustainalytics was […] lees meer