35% of insurers take responsible investment (RI) or ESG criteria into consideration when making asset allocation decisions for their portfolios1, according to a survey by AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM) of 122 insurance company CIOs and decision-makers in France, Germany […]
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The focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations as a means to creating sustainable value is on the rise, and traditional barriers are becoming less pronounced. Yet one question remains elusive: How can we leverage capital markets to improve […]
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TenneT Holding B.V. (rated A3/A-) today successfully launched and priced the first-ever green hybrid bond, in an amount of EUR 1 billion with a coupon of 2.995% and a non-call period of 7 years with the support of five banks: Barclays and Deutsche Bank […]
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Promoting responsible business conduct in the financial sector is vital to building a sustainable global economy. However, the inherent complexities in the sector such as extensive and complex business relationships or the rapidity of transactions make practical application of effective due […]
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NN Investment Partners (NN IP) baseert haar beleggingsbeslissingen op de best beschikbare informatie over CO2 uitstoot, afval en water door samen te werken met de toonaangevende South Pole Group. Door deze baanbrekende stap krijgt NN IP in alle beleggingscategorieën nauwkeurig […]
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Companies deliver superior results when executives manage for long-term value creation and resist pressure from analysts and investors to focus excessively on meeting Wall Street’s quarterly earnings expectations. This has long seemed intuitively true to us. We’ve seen companies such […]
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Deutsche Börse will be launching the Sustainable Finance Initiative in Frankfurt. The aim is to establish new interdisciplinary structures for sustainable entrepreneurship along with some 100 of the financial centre’s key participants in order to explore new business areas. Banks, […]
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Conquest heeft de eerste ronde van haar duurzame energiefonds afgesloten, met een opbrengst van EUR 115 miljoen aan toezeggingen van Europese institutionele beleggers, waaronder verzekeraars, pensioenfondsen, banken en internationale energiebedrijven. In een sterk fluctuerende markt, met opbrengsten van staatsobligaties op […]
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The ratification of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals imply significant structural shifts in the global economy. In parallel, growing political attention is being focused on the role of finance to deliver these goals. […]
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At the World Economic Forum in Davos in January, UBS launched a white paper that set out a blueprint for channeling private wealth into the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It argued that private capital is likely to be particularly important […]
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Asset owners and allocators are increasingly interested in the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) profile of their investments. In this article, we present an empirical investigation of the potential link between ESG exposures of companies and the statistical risk of […]
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Financiële instellingen weten hun klanten steeds vaker te bewegen tot meer duurzaamheid. Dat blijkt uit de ervaringen die 15 financiële instellingen aan elkaar hebben uitgewisseld in de Community of Practice Financial Institutions and Natural Capital (CoP FINC). Op 21 maart […]
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