Onlangs stapte MN in Franse groene staatsobligaties. Gerald Cartigny, cio en lid van de Raad van Bestuur van MN, roept in PensioenPro de Nederlandse overheid op ook groen schuldpapier uit te geven. ‘Pensioenfondsen zijn als institutionele beleggers voortdurend op zoek […]
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Zowel in Nederland als wereldwijd wordt er te weinig geïnvesteerd in duurzame energie en energiebesparing om de emissiereductiedoelstelling van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs te halen. Het belangrijkste obstakel is een gebrekkige beprijzing van CO2. Maar er zijn ook knelpunten die […]
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The interest in green bonds has been growing with $694 billion in labeled and unlabeled green bonds outstanding in 2016. Since the European Investment Bank issued the first green bonds in 2007, much of the action has been coming from […]
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Sustainalytics, a leading global provider of ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analytics, today released a new thematic research report titled, 10 for 2017: Investment Themes in a Changing World. The report looks at the key drivers of 10 […]
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ING is one of 52 firms recognised in the 2017 Bloomberg Financial Services Gender-Equality Index (BFGEI). The index, announced in London yesterday (23 January), measures gender statistics, employee policies, gender-conscious product offerings as well as community support and engagement. Those […]
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French pension fund Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR) has chosen Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. (Robeco), as one of the asset management companies in charge of implementing best practice for its ‘Optimized Equity index strategy with an ESG approach’. These […]
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A new report examining 28 of the world’s largest banks on their management of climate-related risks concludes they are failing to align their business practices with targets to keep global temperature rises below two degrees. The investor assessment comes despite […]
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Moody’s Investors Service says that global green bond issuance will reach another record in 2017, and could even rise to USD206 billion, following an increase of 120% to USD93.4 billion in 2016, reflecting strong China-based issuances and momentum from the […]
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The U.S. State Department is announcing that it has made an additional $500 million grant to support the Green Climate Fund (GCF). Consistent with last year’s GCF grant, this funding is provided from the fiscal year 2016 Economic Support Fund […]
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New investment in clean energy worldwide fell 18% last year to $287.5bn*, despite a record year for offshore wind financings, according to the latest authoritative figures from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The 2016 setback in global investment, signaled in […]
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The World Bank Group announced that a group of prominent leaders will add their support to its efforts to drive climate action that will deliver on the Paris climate change agreement. The three global leaders are: Kofi Annan, founder and chairman […]
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FMO, the Dutch development bank, launched recently an updated sustainability policy. Through its investments in developing countries, FMO pledges to contribute to limiting global temperature increase to 2°C and preferably 1.5°C, as agreed at the Paris Climate Summit in 2015. […]
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