Sustainable investing is ballooning. The engine of the sustainable investing machine is fired up and ready to go, but roadblocks are holding back movement. Asset managers have an opportunity to respond to the market demands and modernize the investment landscape. […]
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The growth in global green bond issuance could slow this year to $90-120 billion, with China unlikely to repeat its record issuance and policymakers abstaining from intervening in the nascent market, HSBC said on Wednesday. Around $90 billion of green bonds […]
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Sustainalytics struggled with soft market conditions in Singapore, and has turned its focus to regional operations in Australia and Japan. The global consultancy that helped the Singapore stock exchange launch its first ever sustainability index has closed its Singapore office. Amsterdam-headquartered Sustainalytics was […]
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The vast majority of climate scientists (97 percent) believe climate change is real, but what about your mutual fund company? Ceres examined how the US largest mutual fund companies voted on climate-related shareholder resolutions in 2015 and 2016. The results […]
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Strasser Capital plaatste de eerste Groene Lening tranche (30 miljoen EUR) van het MEP Green Financing Program aan de Nederlandse vermogensbeheerder Delta Lloyd Asset Management. Deze lening was al geverifieerd in september 2016 tegen de Climate Bonds Standards v2.0 en […]
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STOXX Ltd., the operator of Deutsche Boerse Group’s index business, and a global provider of innovative and tradable index concepts, announced recently that the newly launched STOXX Europe Industry Neutral ESG and STOXX North America Industry Neutral ESG 150 indices […]
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De markt van groene obligaties is een belangrijk middel om de transitie naar een klimaatneutrale economie te financieren en heeft dus een enorm potentieel. Wie dat potentieel wil benutten, kan niet om regtech heen. Maar wie neemt het initiatief? Green […]
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Impactbeleggen kan een kanaal zijn voor institutionele beleggers om hun grootte en capaciteiten in te zetten om een marktbrede mobilisatie op gang te brengen ten gunste van een nationaal of mondiaal doel. Een voorbeeld daarvan is het aanpakken van de […]
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With increasing demand for, and increasing issuances of, green bonds, it is important for market participants and particularly new entrants to keep up-to-date with the applicable principals, guidelines and standards which are developing alongside the green bond market. This article highlights […]
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When investors gathered in Amsterdam in late 2016 for perhaps the largest annual conference on “impact investing”, the mood was upbeat. The concept of investing in assets that offer measurable social or environmental benefits as well as financial returns has […]
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A new report by Global Footprint Network, Carbon Disclosure and Climate Risk in Sovereign Bonds, outlines a methodology for investors to disclose and manage carbon exposure in their sovereign bond holdings. Global Footprint Network is seeking market feedback on the report […]
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Ondernemers die investeren in elektrische bussen, duurzame gebouwen of het efficiënter omgaan met grondstoffen kunnen in 2017 rekenen op fiscaal voordeel via de Milieu-investeringsaftrek (MIA) en de Willekeurige afschrijving milieu-investeringen (Vamil). Voor het jaar 2017 is er € 137 miljoen beschikbaar […]
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