De eerste SDE-subsidie in de najaarsronde 2016 in het kader van het stimuleren van duurzame energieopwekking werd toegekend aan het bedrijf Zonnebaan 18, een verzamelgebouw op het gelijknamige adres op het bedrijventerrein Lage Weide in Utrecht. Zonnebaan 18 is lid […]
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A new study released by CECP and supported by Prudential Financial, Inc. found that large corporations invest approximately US$2.4 billion each year in initiatives and ventures designed to achieve financial returns as well as a positive economic, social, or environmental […]
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Sustainable, responsible and impact investing assets now account for $8.72 trillion, or one in five dollars invested under professional management in the United States according to the US SIF Foundation’s biennial Report on US Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing Trends […]
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Het klimaatvraagstuk, de energietransitie, armoedebestrijding: de huidige grote uitdagingen vragen om een biljoeneninvestering. De bijdrage van kapitaalkrachtige institutionele beleggers, zoals pensioenfondsen en verzekeraars, groeit, al blijft het mondjesmaat. Met impact-investeringen willen ze een meetbaar verschil maken én rendement halen. De […]
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With the issue of how to get the private sector on board for climate financing high on the agenda at COP22 in Marrakesh, the first projects of a new fund supported by the European Investment Bank (EIB) – the Catalyst […]
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On 12 November at the Global Finance Action Summit in Marrakech, the European Investment Bank’s Vice-President, Jonathan Taylor with responsibility for energy, environment and climate lending called for a renewed effort from the world’s financial institutions to make the Paris […]
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The SRI Conference Announces Moskowitz Prize Winner: Study Shows Europe’s Demand for Impact Funds Over Traditional Investments Three Times Higher Than in North America. The demand for impact investing alternatives is outstripping the available supply of such choices for investors, […]
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VBDO issued a white paper about Shareholder Engagement. Shareholder engagement concerns the use of one’s ownership position to influence the decision making of company management. In doing so, shareholders aim to increase transparency and accountability and to raise social and […]
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Door een nieuwe beleggingsmethode behoort het Delta Lloyd ESG fonds, met een belegd vermogen van ruim € 2 miljard, tot de best scorende wereldwijde aandeelfondsen op het gebied van duurzaamheid. De aanpak resulteert onder andere in een 50% beperking van […]
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Van een bio-energiecentrale in Ede, die warm water levert uit resthout aan scholen en woningen op Kenniscampus Ede tot de ombouw van mestvergisters tot innovatieve co-vergisters op de Dairy Campus in Leeuwarden. Het Nationaal Groenfonds financiert ook duurzame energieprojecten. We […]
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The World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development – IBRD) announced that it has raised USD 500 million with World Bank green bonds to support the financing of global climate action. This comes at a time when global leaders […]
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A study released today by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, shows that the historic global agreement on climate change adopted in Paris last year helped open up nearly $23 trillion in opportunities for climate-smart investments in emerging […]
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