Wereldwijd geven beleggers de focus op duurzaamheid en de integratie van ESG-factoren (milieu, maatschappij en governance) in beleggingsprocessen steeds meer prioriteit. De meest doelgerichte manier is impactbeleggen; dit staat niet alleen voor investeren in het voorkomen van schadelijke effecten, maar […]
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Sustainability and transparency go hand in hand. Effective immediately, the monthly reports prepared by ACATIS Investment KVG mbH will show the percentage of investments that are sustainable, as well as the extent to which they meet the sustainability requirement. With […]
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De Kempen Global Impact Pool heeft de grens van € 100 miljoen aan beheerd vermogen doorbroken. De pool, gelanceerd in januari 2018, belegt uitsluitend in fondsen die een positieve bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij en het klimaat daarbij streeft het […]
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Building on its commitment to drive positive change through its data and insight, Refinitiv has yesterday announced the launch of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance (The Alliance) in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, United Nations, IIF, OMFIF, Tsinghua […]
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Thunderbird School of Global Management released a new report today projecting that the world can realize at least $1trillion – $3trillion dollars in market opportunities and $3trillion – $5trillion dollars in broader economic, social and environmental benefits per year by 2030. Thunderbird’s […]
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Siemens Gamesa recently extended a guarantee line from Danske Bank to €150 million from an initial €100 million and included Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) criteria. Likewise, the Company has signed and also included similar conditions for a new €140 million […]
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MO and Munich Re are pleased to announce the establishment of a new Unfunded Risk Participation Program which will allow Munich Re to invest in the SDG’s by participating in transactions of FMO for a total amount up to USD […]
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On December 12, 2019, 6 pm CET, the Green Assets Wallet, an innovative blockchain database, where issuers and investors of green bonds meet, will be launched. A co-creation of leading capital market actors, green finance experts and technology innovators, the […]
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Over the past years, several investors have developed strategies based on the SDGs. In the working paper that the Platform for Sustainable Value Creation publicised, Annebeth Roor examines the SDG investment strategies of an equity fund and a credits fund. […]
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The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) has officially been launched in the presence of government officials, NGOs, investors, politicians and other interested parties. In May of this year, the DFCD was awarded to the consortium of Dutch development […]
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De groei in duurzaam beleggen en privaat bankieren in België die duidelijk zichtbaar werd in 2017, wordt ook in 2018 verder gezet. Wat betreft duurzaam sparen, blijft er echter een neerwaartse trend bestaan. Deze gegevens komen voort uit het MIRA-rapport; […]
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The United Nations Global Compact today issued new guidance for companies on advancing sustainable development through investments in emerging and frontier markets to leverage private finance to meet the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Released at the SDG Investment Forum hosted by […]
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