In line with its sustainable business strategy Daimler AG lays the foundation for sustainable financing to issue a broad range of sustainable finance instruments such as green bonds and green loans. With a Green Finance Framework the company is enabling […]
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Het Europees Parlement heeft de Europese wet aangenomen die definieert welke investeringen duurzaam genoemd mogen worden: de ‘groene taxonomie’. Europarlementariër Bas Eickhout is hoofdonderhandelaar namens het Europees Parlement: “Dit is een mijlpaal voor de verduurzaming van de financiële sector.” Met […]
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Om de overschakeling naar milieuvriendelijke investeringen te maken, introduceert de EU regels om vast te leggen wat geldt als groene of duurzame activiteiten. Tijdens de plenaire sessie in juni, zullen de Europese Parlementsleden stemmen over een overeenkomst die duurzame activiteiten […]
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The European Banking Federation, together with five other financial industry associations, is calling for the European Commission to establish a common ESG data register in the European Union to enhance the availability of relevant and reliable ESG data, facilitate disclosure […]
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The euro’s international role remained overall stable in 2019. This was one of the principal findings in the latest annual report on The international role of the euro, published today by the European Central Bank (ECB). Adjusting for exchange rate valuation […]
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Wereldwijd integreren financieel toezichthouders klimaat- en milieurisico’s steeds meer in hun werkzaamheden. Ook bij financiële instellingen is deze ontwikkeling gaande: zij houden beter rekening met klimaatrisico’s van hun activa. Dit blijkt uit twee publicaties van het Network for Greening the […]
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Neoen, one of the world’s leading and fastest-growing independent producers of exclusively renewable energy, announces today the launch of the first ever Green Convertible Bond being offered to qualified investors only, in accordance with Article L. 411-2, 1° of the French […]
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Deutsche Bank has for the first time published quantifiable targets for expanding its sustainable business activities covering the ESG (environmental, social, governance) space and aims to support the transformation towards a sustainable economy. By the end of 2025, the bank […]
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The EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG), established to advise the European Commission on implementation of the Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, believes the Sustainable Taxonomy, EU Green Bond Standard, and Paris-Aligned and Climate Transition Benchmarks, can […]
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The European Commission’s Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) has published its final reports containing its recommendations to the European Commission, setting the foundations for the EU Taxonomy. The EU Taxonomy is a classification tool that lists economic activities […]
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This week, the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG), has published its final recommendations to the European Commission on the EU taxonomy, building on its June report and the open call for feedback completed last year. The taxonomy sets […]
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Towards Sustainability, het Belgische label voor duurzame en maatschappelijk verantwoorde financiële producten, maakte op 2 maart 2020 via zijn website de lijst bekend van nieuwe gelabelde producten. Met 410 beleggings-, verzekerings- en spaarproducten, 311 toegekend in november 2019 en 99 […]
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