De Europese Technische Expertgroep Duurzame Financiering heeft op 18 juni jl. een classificatiesysteem (‘taxonomie’) gepubliceerd dat screeningscriteria bevat voor 67 activiteiten in de sectoren landbouw, bosbouw, industrie, energie, transport, water en afval, ICT en gebouwen welke “een substantiële bijdrage kunnen […]
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Green bond market needs a new “transition” bond to allow carbon intensive companies to finance their gradual shift away from fossil fuels, AXA Investment Managers has said. While green bonds have become established options for fixed income investors, AXA IM […]
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ING Real Estate Finance, de vastgoedfinancieringstak van ING, ontwikkelt samen met de tien grootste taxatiekantoren van Nederland een nieuw model om de duurzaamheid van kantoren te taxeren. De ambitie is dat dit zogenoemde Duurzaamheidstaxatiemodel de standaard wordt die alle partijen […]
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On 15 May, the 15 members of the Association of European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI) gathered for their Annual Meeting and launched a new initiative to deepen cooperation on responsible financing requirements and impact measurement. The European DFIs jointly manage […]
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Vandaag stemde het Europees Parlement over een verplicht “woordenboek” (in het jargon: “taxonomie”) voor financiële producten. De wet bepaalt welke beleggingsproducten door banken, pensioenfondsen en verzekeraars aangemerkt mogen worden als duurzaam. Ook wordt een eerste stap gezet voor het ontwikkelen […]
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Amsterdam and London continue to lead the latest global rankings of green financial centres, according to the latest edition of the Global Green Finance Index. Copenhagen, Zurich and Paris are close behind. The Global Green Finance Index (GGFI) is published […]
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The Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (TEG) set up by the EU Commission in July 2018 has launched a call for feedback on its preliminary recommendations for the development of an EU Green Bond Standard. Following up on the Commission’s Action Plan […]
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While 17 per cent of current investment by large public corporations is already green, there’s an urgent need to mobilize even more capital to help build a lower-carbon and more sustainable economy. And while less than five per cent of […]
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Climate Bonds launched its Green Bonds: the State of the Market 2018 report on the first day of our Annual Conference in London. Produced with the support of HSBC and Amundi, this is the first publication in a new annual series of reports, focusing […]
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Eurelectric releases its position paper “Enabling sustainable investments via sustainable finance”, highlighting the critical role of the financial system for accelerating investments in the transition-enabling technologies. Committed to reach carbon neutrality by 2045, the EU electricity sector aims at providing […]
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De vraag van beleggers naar groene obligaties blijft onverminderd groot, maar in de Verenigde Staten (VS) wordt de groei van de markt belemmerd door beperkt aanbod. Uitdagingen voor verdere ontwikkeling van de Amerikaanse markt: de concentratie van ‘green bonds’ in […]
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CFA Institute, the global association of investment management professionals, publishes yesterday a new report, The Evolving Future of ESG Integration in Investment Analysis, based on a survey of CFA Institute members based in the European Union (EU). The survey gauges the attitude […]
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