The European Banking Authority (EBA) published yesterday its final draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on Pillar 3 disclosures on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. The final draft ITS put forward comparable disclosures to show how climate change may exacerbate […]
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De Europese Commissie is begonnen met het overleg met de deskundigengroep van de lidstaten inzake duurzame financiering en het platform voor duurzame financiering over de ontwerptekst voor een aanvullende gedelegeerde handeling betreffende bepaalde gas- en nucleaire activiteiten. De EU-taxonomie stuurt […]
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The European Commission welcomed the adoption of the delegated act on the climate part of the EU taxonomy regulation (2020/852) on Thursday 9 December, with no opposition from the EU Council and the European Parliament. The adoption of the climate […]
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De Pensioenfederatie maakt zich zorgen dat politieke inmenging de betrouwbaarheid van de Europese Taxonomie voor duurzame investeringen ondermijnt. Dat schrijft de Pensioenfederatie in een position paper dat vandaag verscheen. De Taxonomie is een classificatiesysteem om te bepalen welke economische activiteiten […]
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De informatieverschaffing van fondsen over duurzaamheidsrisico’s en duurzaamheidskenmerken is nog vaak te algemeen, daardoor krijgen beleggers te weinig inzicht in waar ze in investeren. Dat is een van de conclusies van de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) in een verkennend onderzoek naar de toepassing […]
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On 3 August 2021, the Platform on Sustainable Finance published a draft report on preliminary recommendations for technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy. The draft report prepared by the dedicated Platform subgroup, the Technical Working Group (TWG), is an important step in the Platform’s main […]
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The Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) has published proposals for extending the EU Taxonomy for sustainable activities to include ‘social’ objectives, as well as extend the existing ‘green’ Taxonomy to specifically identify environmentally harmful and ’transition’ activities to add nuance […]
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The European Commission has released three documents yesterday that aim to bring the EU financial system more in line with the EU Green Deal. While some steps forward are taken, each document has weaknesses says WWF. The Commission published: A Renewed […]
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Volgens de Club van Rome gaat de nieuwste financieringsstrategie van de Europese Commissie – “Strategie voor de financiering van de overgang naar een duurzame economie” – niet ver genoeg om het Europese financiële systeem te veranderen om de transformatie van […]
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The European Commission has today adopted a number of measures to increase its level of ambition on sustainable finance. First, the new Sustainable Finance Strategy sets out several initiatives to tackle climate change, and other environmental challenges, while increasing investment – and […]
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Sustainalytics, a Morningstar Company and a leading global provider of ESG research, ratings, and data, today launched its EU Taxonomy Solution, which provides institutional investors with detailed insights into the environmentally sustainable activities of companies based on the EU Taxonomy […]
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European investors are choosing greener stocks even if it means lower returns, according to JRC research published today. Investors are also considering transparency on environmental reporting when choosing where to invest. The JRC experts identified a ‘greenness and transparency factor’ […]
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