European Commission publishes EU Taxonomy Compass

The European Commission has published the EU Taxonomy Compass, which provides a visual representation of the content of the EU Taxonomy starting with the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act. The EU Taxonomy Compass provides a visual representation of the contents of […] lees meer

Kamerbrief over EU-Taxonomie

Begin juni heeft de Europese Commissie de uitwerking van de Europese Taxonomie ten aanzien van klimaatmitigatie en -adaptatie formeel aangenomen. Staatssecretaris Yeşilgöz (EZ) gaat in een Kamerbrief in op nut en noodzaak van zo’n taxonomie. Nederland blijft via de Member […] lees meer

Commission launches call for public feedback on the environmental performance information that financial and non-financial undertakings should disclose

The Commission published a call for public feedback on the content, methodology and presentation of information that large financial and non-financial undertakings should disclose concerning their environmentally sustainable economic activities. The Commission has recently adopted an EU taxonomy – a classification system, establishing […] lees meer

Spelregels duurzaam investeren helpen nog niet iedereen

Sinds enkele weken kan elke grote onderneming of investeerder in de EU Taxonomie nakijken welke eigen activiteiten ‘duurzaam’ mogen heten. Maar de spelregels zijn complex, niet iedereen begrijpt ze nog. Bovendien zijn er enkele hoge politieke hobbels. De ‘zandweg’ naar […] lees meer

Green bond fund of the year: NN (L) Green Bond

NN Investment Partners scooped the Environmental Finance award for green bond fund of the year for its €1.4 billion ($1.7 billion) NN (L) Green Bond fund, after impressing judges with its extensive market engagement. One Environmental Finance Bond Awards judge said the […] lees meer