BNP Paribas Securities Services en Manaos hebben een partnerschip gesloten met Clarity AI, een toonaangevend duurzaamheidsanalyse- en dataplatform. Vanaf vandaag hebben institutionele klanten van BNP Paribas via Manaos, een fintech platform van BNP Paribas Securities Services, toegang tot duurzaamheidsgegevens en inzichten van Clarity AI. Met Manaos […]
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Austria’s leading utility and long-standing pioneer in green finance VERBUND has achieved another milestone in its sustainable finance track record, with its newly launched Green and Sustainability-linked Bond (the “Bond”). The 20-year, senior unsecured Bond was met with high market […]
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WWF, along with 225 scientists, financial institutions and NGOs, is sounding the alarm about a proposal by the European Commission to classify new fossil gas projects as environmentally sustainable under the EU Taxonomy of Sustainable Investments. In the Commission’s proposal, a […]
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The real estate market has quite a bit of catching up to do if it wants to work through the taxonomy criteria laid down by the European Union. This is partially because stakeholders lack the data they need to fulfil […]
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The European Commission has welcomed the advice on financing the transition provided by the Platform on Sustainable Finance. The Commission will consider the advice when finalising the draft delegated act on climate mitigation and climate adaptation, in the context of the Taxonomy Regulation, […]
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Bedrijven krijgen te maken met toenemende druk om hun gedrag op het gebied van milieu, maatschappij en governance (ESG) te verbeteren, omdat beleggers nieuwe middelen inzetten om invloed uit te oefenen. Dit blijkt uit het nieuwste Verantwoord Beleggen Rapport van […]
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De Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is vanaf woensdag 10 maart 2021 van toepassing. De drie Europese toezichthoudende autoriteiten (EBA, EIOPA en ESMA/ETA’s) publiceerden op 25 februari 2021 een gezamenlijke verklaring over een consistente toepassing van het nationale toezicht op […]
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Vanaf 10 maart treedt in de Europese Unie nieuwe regelgeving in werking: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR). Dankzij deze regelgeving wordt het voor beleggers makkelijker om te zien hoe duurzaam beleggingsfondsen in de EU zijn. De ASN Beleggingsfondsen vallen in […]
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After inaugural government green bonds in 2020 from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Hungary, Italy is the latest country to issue a green government bond. The Italian government issued its inaugural green bond for an amount of EUR 8.5 billion […]
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Sustainalytics, a Morningstar Company and a globally-recognized provider of ESG research, ratings and data, today launched its Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Data Solution, an ESG dataset with rich corporate- and sovereign-level research that aligns with the current PAI indicators. The European […]
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The trend toward sustainable investments continues to grow steadily: for international investors, the topic of sustainability in their investment decisions is becoming increasingly important. For bondholders, ‘green bonds’ – fixed-income securities whose issue proceeds are used to finance sustainable investment […]
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The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today a consultation paper on draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on Pillar 3 disclosures on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. The draft ITS put forward comparable disclosures that show how climate change may […]
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