Vigeo Eiris, a Moody’s affiliate and leading global provider of environmental, social and governance solutions has released the beta version of its EU Taxonomy Alignment Screening tool. Vigeo Eiris’ solution offers investors a transparent and comprehensive view on the three […]
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Een nieuwe rapport naar het belang van duurzame investeringen in België toont een ongeziene groei. Duurzaamheid wint nog steeds aan belang in de financiële wereld en wordt weerspiegeld in het aantal duurzame financiële producten en hun volume. De huidige groei […]
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Trucost, part of S&P Global, announced today the launch of its EU Taxonomy Revenue Share dataset, which assesses the proportion of company revenues linked to the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities. The new dataset covers over 15,000 companies representing 99% […]
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Duurzaamheid is een van de belangrijkste thema’s op dit moment. Zowel in Nederland als in Europa. Nederlandse verzekeraars lopen voorop, maar ook zij zullen de komende jaren veel werk moeten verzetten. Wat komt er op de sector af? Wat is […]
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Insurance Europe has today published its response to a consultation by the European Commission on its EU Green Bond Standard (GBS). In order to maximise investment in the transition towards sustainability, investors must be able to invest in the green bond market […]
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A number of countries have created official definitions of sustainable finance as well as more comprehensive classification systems, referred to as sustainable finance taxonomies. A new report by the OECD maps sustainable finance definitions and taxonomies in five jurisdictions: the […]
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The European Commission published the list of members of the Platform on Sustainable Finance. As required by the Taxonomy Regulation, the Platform on Sustainable Finance will advise the Commission on the development of robust and science-based technical screening criteria for the […]
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As the European Sustainable Finance Summit gets underway, German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz and Environment Minister Svenja Schulze are calling on European companies to invest more in sustainable economic activities. The first survey, published yesterday, on applying the EU taxonomy […]
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The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided that bonds with coupon structures linked to certain sustainability performance targets will become eligible as collateral for Eurosystem credit operations and also for Eurosystem outright purchases for monetary policy purposes, provided they comply […]
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Het Kenniscentrum Duurzaamheid van DPAM, dat beschikbaar is in zes talen (EN, NL, FR, DE, IT & ES), biedt het publiek een gemakkelijk, toegankelijk en grondig overzicht van de kernprincipes van duurzaam beleggen. Het platform werd in 2019 ontwikkeld door […]
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In de strijd tegen ontbossing lanceert ACTIAM een engagementprogramma ondersteund door satellietbeelden gericht op ontbossingsvrije toeleveringsketens. Door dit initiatief kan de vermogensbeheerder, samen met andere beleggers, meer inzicht krijgen in de toeleveringsketens van de ondernemingen waarin zij beleggen. Met behulp […]
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FTSE Russell, the global index, data and analytics provider, has launched its enhanced Green Revenues 2.0 Data Model, which measures the green revenue exposure of more than 16,000 listed companies across 48 developed and emerging markets. This represents 98.5% of […]
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