Starting in late 2019, over 40 investment managers and asset owners worked together in the ‘PRI taxonomy practitioners group’ to implement the taxonomy on a voluntary basis in anticipation of upcoming European regulation. A new report shares insights from the […]
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After the Netherlands and Sweden, Germany has become the third AAA-rated country to issue a green government bond. The German government also announced its commitment to building a full green yield curve, next to its conventional yield curve. Germany is […]
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Luxembourg becomes the first European country to launch a Sustainability Bond Framework. This innovative framework, which meets the highest market standards, is also the first in the world to fully comply with the new recommendations of the European taxonomy for […]
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De Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken heeft in een consultatiereactie gereageerd op de voorgestelde technische standaarden (RTS) voor de verordening betreffende informatieverschaffing over duurzaamheid in de financiële dienstensector (ook wel bekend onder de Engelse term Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation of kortweg […]
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The EU is intending to use its post-pandemic recovery plan to reinforce its fight against climate change. About 30% of the “Next Generation EU” €750 billion fiscal plan to aid the post-COVID-19 recovery would target climate-friendly projects, according to European […]
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A new ‘Net Zero Investment Framework’ issued, provides the first-ever practical blueprint for investors to maximise the contribution they make in tackling climate change and achieving net zero emissions globally by 2050. The framework has been developed with over 70 […]
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The European Commission’s initiative for a Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy comes at a time of unprecedented environmental, economic and social challenges. In the face of accelerating climate change and the ongoing pandemic, European institutions and the financial sector share the […]
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De Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) ondersteunt op hoofdlijnen de voorstellen van de Europese Commissie voor duurzamer beleggen, zo schrijft zij in haar reactie op twee consultaties van de Europese Commissie (EC). De eerste consultatie van de EC betreft de […]
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Het Europees Parlement heeft ingestemd met de controle van het jaarverslag van de Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) 2018. Het rapport van GroenLinks-Europarlementariër Bas Eickhout geeft aanbevelingen om de EIB tot een klimaatbank om te vormen en de transparantie van besluitvorming te […]
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APG, AustralianSuper, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI) en PGGM hebben het Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Platform (SDI AOP) opgericht. Met behulp van baanbrekende technologie stelt het platform beleggers in staat om bedrijven te beoordelen op hun bijdrage aan […]
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Novethic publishes a new update of its overview of the European market for sustainable finance labels with a focus on the rules applicable to bond funds. In just a few months, more than a hundred additional funds have been labelled […]
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Established in 1992, the EU Ecolabel is a symbol of environmental excellence awarded to products and services that meet environmental standards throughout their life cycle and provides guidance to companies on environmental best practices. Action 2.3 of the EU action plan on sustainable […]
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